The movie “ALL SHALL BE WELL,” which explores lesbian relationships, is currently showing and has received rave reviews. The renowned director, Ray Yeung, not only collaborated with the Hong Kong AIDS Foundation (HKAF)  to organise a priority preview screening of the movie but also selected HKAF as the beneficiary organisation on the upcoming episode of the radio programme “Share My Song” on Commercial Radio 881903, which will air tomorrow, May 9. To support the work of HKAF and promote HIV/AIDS prevention in Hong Kong, you can donate HK$5 by sending an SMS to 50881903 from your mobile phone on May 9. Act NOW to support the Hong Kong AIDS Foundation!

The “Share My Song” programme on Commercial Radio 881903 invites individuals from diverse backgrounds to share their experiences through music with the audience. They also highlight a charity organisation that resonates with them and encourage the public to donate through SMS during the programme and subsequent promotional materials.

Programme Schedule for “Share My Song”:

Commercial Radio 903 on Channel 2: 6 a.m.–7 a.m.

Commercial Radio 881 on Channel 1: 9 p.m.–10 p.m.

Website of “Share My Song” (Chinese version only):