To recognise the relentless efforts of frontline healthcare workers who are creating AIDS stigma-free healthcare environments in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Mexico, Brazil and Turkey, the International AIDS Society (IAS) announced the Champions of the 2024 Me and My Healthcare Provider Campaign on 11 July. Being the only local partner in Hong Kong, the Foundation were pleased to participate in this campaign.

Established in 2016 as part of the IAS Nobody Left Behind initiative, the Me and My Healthcare Provider Campaign, supported by Gilead Sciences, recognises frontline healthcare workers who deliver quality HIV prevention, treatment and care and other services to key populations, often in the face of stigma and discrimination. The campaign aims to build better understanding of what motivates these healthcare champions to provide inclusive and stigma-free services, amplify their stories to encourage replication, and empower others to confront stigma.

A total of four Hong Kong healthcare providers were selected as champions this year.

  • Dr. Bonnie Wong, Hong Kong Society for HIV Medicine
  • Dr. Grace Lui , The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Dr. Alex Chan, The Hong Kong AIDS Foundation
  • Ms. Sze Nga Chan, Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Learn more about 2024 champions, please visit