
In December 2018, the Red Ribbon Centre of Department of Health launched a series of activities under the World AIDS Campaign 2018 (the Campaign) to raise public awareness on HIV/AIDS. The Foundation had successfully bided for the project for the provision of anonymous HIV testing service to public during the Campaign on 1, 22 and 24 December 2018 at Tsim Sha Tsui, Causeway Bay and Mong Kok respectively.

In addition, to echo World AIDS Day (WAD) on 1 December 2018, staff members and volunteers of the Foundation also conducted outreach at Lan Kwai Fong to distribute condom packs to passers-by, with a view to remind people about the importance of safer sex and taking regular HIV test.

We hope that everyone can treat sexual behavior in a serious and responsible manner. We also encourage everyone to take HIV test as part of a regular medical check-up. If you would like to make an appointment for a free HIV test to learn more about your health status, please call our AIDS Helpline at 2513 0513.

 #HongKongAIDSFoundation #HKAF #HIV #AIDS #HIVpositive #lovewithsextitude #hotline #supportservice #PLHIV #香港愛滋病基金會 #熱線 #愛滋病 #紅絲帶中心 #RedRibbonCentreHK #PowerofLove #為愛出力 #全球同抗愛滋病運動2018  #WorldAIDSCampaign2018 #愛滋病病毒抗體測試 #HIVrapidtest #free #免費 #保密 #不記名 #自願 #voluntary #confidential #anonymous #beanAtesttaker #knowyourstatus