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HIV is a virus, while AIDS is a chronic condition caused by HIV. Not everyone who has HIV will get AIDS. With today’s treatments for HIV infection, people can live with HIV and never have AIDS develop.

Besides, HIV is a fragile virus and its survival is difficult outside the body. HIV can be transmitted during unprotected sex; through sharing injecting equipment; from mother-to-baby during pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding; and through contaminated blood transfusions.

To prevent HIV, please remember to use a condom every time you have sex as sexual contact is the main route of HIV transmission. To know more about your status, you are welcome to sign up for a free, confidential and anonymous HIV rapid test.

Free HIV Antibody Rapid Test
– Pre and post-test counselling will be provided by professional trained staff or volunteer
– Blood drops will be taken from finger tip
– Result will be available within 10 – 15 minutes
* NO medical report/certificate will be provide

For enquiries, please call us at 2513 0513 or contact us by Line: hivtesting / WhatsApp: 9093 0335 / E-mail: [email protected]

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