Donation Box / Donation-with-Purchase

Donation Box Placement/ Donation-with-Purchase

Your support helps us further reduce the total number of HIV infections in Hong Kong and build an AIDS-Free society for our next generation

Donation Box Placement/ Donation-with-Purchase

Corporations may consider supporting the Foundation’s work by placing donation boxes at affiliated outlets or offices, by cash donation and/or through the selling of your selected products (Donation-With-Purchase). All money raised will be strictly used to benefit the Foundation’s public preventive education, anti-stigma events and patient services. Your support is crucial to us in further reducing the total number of HIV infections in Hong Kong and build an AIDS-Free society for our next generation.

Interested parties please fill in the reply slip (PDF format / MS Word format) and return by mailing to “Corporate Affairs Department, Hong Kong AIDS Foundation, 5/F Shaukeiwan Jockey Club Clinic, 8 Chai Wan Road, Hong Kong” or by fax 2560 4154.

For inquiry, please contact Ms. Kitman Chan, Assistant Marketing & Publicity Manager, by phone at 3583-4926 or by email at [email protected].

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